Questions, Questions and More Questions!

Episode 12: I took notes so you didn’t have to….We talked about the following in this episode….My bestie, Mike Doyle, and I are answering all of your questions today!

I couldn’t be more thrilled to have my bestie, Mike, back on the podcast today. We are answering all of your questions today! Thank you so much for sending them in because it was a blast to do this! We both learn a lot together during this chat. Like Doyle learned Oreo’s are actually Vegan and that I like to always get a snack for the car ride home when I am picking up take out.

Wanna impress a date?!

Doyle suggests to learn how to cook a good steak, here’s a great example. Don’t forget your Himalayan sea salt! I love a good risotto like this one, and don’t forget the Arborio or I really like using, Canaroli Rice, honestly it’s a step up for Arborio if I am being honest. Or maybe you want to do something a little more interactive and “together” like a Flatbread or maybe some sushi. But bottom line do something you feel really comfortable making too!

To use veggie wash or not use veggie wash….

Personally I use a little solution of water, a tiny bit of vinegar and some baking soda and rinse my veggies off with that before I use them. I always wash the “dirty dozen”, a list of fruits and veggies that is put out by US Department of Agriculture, did a post on the updated list here. I do this for myself and my family but you do you. No judgement at all. The reason I do this is because there are a lot of commercial pesticides that are sprayed on vegetables and fruits to protect them from insects, disease, etc. And if you don’t wash the items well, this is then something you ingest.

Sides for BBQ’s…

  • Doyle loves a kale salad with sesame oil, an aminos (or soy sauce) with a little extra salt and pepper on top. Here’s another kale salad idea too!

  • Sweet Kentucky Bourbon Corn Pudding….Yes please!

  • Haitian Pikliz, we have this in our fridge all year round. It’s amazing, spicy, tangy and goes good on EVERYTHING!

Crispy Tofu…

I like the way that this blog explains it here. Just remember to get organic super firm tofu that is usually in the refrigerator section.

Have a can of Coke you need to use up and not in a Captain and Coke cocktail…

Brisket Recipe from my good friend Jill’s mom…

  • 1 - 4-6lb Beef Brisket

  • 12 oz can of Coke

  • 1 pack of Liptons Onion Soup Mix

  • 1 jar of Chili Sauce

  • 2 - Sweet Onions thinly sliced

  • 2 - 3 large carrots, peeled and chopped into large pieces

Preheat your oven to 325F degrees Sear the brisket on all sides and place in a roasting pan with the onions, carrots. In a separate bowl mix together the coke, onion soup mix and chili sauce. Pour mixture over the brisket. Cover tightly and roast for 2-3 hours, about 30 minutes per pound. This is actually best severed the next day if you can make a day ahead of time.

Take out tips: Don’t forget to get your extra “driving home” snack!

  • Ask the restaurant “will this hold”

  • Avoid fried foods, certain seafoods

  • Ask for things to be on the side if possible so you can compose the dish at home

  • Think of things like soups, stews, stir fries, salads

  • I love sushi, Indian, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Ramen, Korean, BBQ and some Italian to go

Sharpen Knives…

Avocado Mousse: Pro Tip: Eat this the day you make it! Here’s a recipe, I would opt to make the sweeter version and use a little melted chocolate too because it will be a little “extra” delicious and really this is suppose to be a healthy dessert.

Cookbooks we love…this is like asking me to pick my favorite child and really this is only the tip of the cookbook iceberg for me.

Easy, Quick, Go to Recipes…

  • Love and Lemon Soba Noodles, Pro Tip: DON’T put salt in the water when cooking the soba noodles, rinse them with cold water and then toss them with some sesame oil

  • Doyle’s Chicken and Salad Recipe:

    • Preheat your oven to 375F degrees

    • In a baking dish, place split chicken breasts, and toss with melted coconut oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika and onion powder

    • Bake for 42 mins

  • Doyle’s Salad:

    • In a bowl, veggies of your choice but Doyle loves red leaf lettuce, radish, raw broccoli, carrots, cucumbers

    • For the dressing, same spices as the chicken (salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, onion powder) and then add in turmeric, oregano and dill and the some apple cider vinegar, olive oil and you can add in mustard

    • Toss it all together

Stir Fry Ideas:

Kale YA!

  • Doyle likes to melt coconut oil in the pan, add in the kale and sautéed it with salt and pepper

  • I substitute kale into any recipe I like that calls for spinach in soup, quiche, frittatas or salads.

  • LOVE this green juice and I drink it every day

Cold Brew Coffee: Pro Tip…use a coarse ground coffee that you love. Coarse ground is KEY

Egg Mc Doyles: it’s exactly what you think it is but better because it was made with a lot of love

  • English Muffins, Butter, Sharp Cheddar Cheese, Eggs and Taylor Ham or Canadian Bacon

    • Toast your English Muffin, Butter it, put the cheese in it (helps it melts a little more) and set it aside

    • Fry an egg, doyle like’s his over medium but you do you

    • Brown the taylor ham or Canadian bacon in the pan

    • Put the egg, ham and cheese all together in the english muffin and dive in!

Our guest this week is Mike Doyle, check out his two podcasts, This Was the Scene, a podcast about the late 90’s and early 2000’s punk scene and Your Daily Bred, a super fun comic and podcast. If you want to work with him he does incredible animations for a multitude of platforms, check out his company, Drive80.

Now go forth and cook some amazing food!!

Beth Fuller is a Boston based Food, Product and Lifestyle Photographer. One of the best ways to support the podcast and Beth is to write a review wherever you listen, like the podcast on your favorite platform and please keep Beth in mind for any photography projects as a gal has got to pay her bills!

If you have a question and want it to be featured on the podcast please email either the question or a voice memo to Are you on instagram? Tag me in your food adventures, @letsgoonafoodadventure. Do you want to work together with food and product photography, drop me a line here!




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